Jeffrey Anvari-Clark, PhD, MA, MSW

Hello! I see you. My name is Jeffrey (he/him).

As a human and a Bahá’í, I’m completely smitten with knowledge and beauty, pursuit of social justice, and accompanying others to create a world that’s good for all.

This translates into being a professor of social work, snowshoeing and skiing through the North Dakota winter, drinking dark roast coffee black, and alongside my wife, nurturing two progeny into service to humanity.

My teaching, research, and service are at the intersection between people, money, and social justice: financial social work, the financial domain of behavioral health, financial interdependence… socialization, well-being, efficacy, behavior change. (I ♥︎ Money Habitudes and YNAB!) My love language is R (for data analyses), and I’m continually exploring the implications of the March 1, 2017 letter from the Universal House of Justice.

Scroll down to see what I’ve been up to and reach out if you’re interested in joining me on this journey.

Find me and my work around the web at:
Google Scholar
Me @ University of North Dakota
The Financial Interdependence Project


a sampling of recent projects

Incorporating Financial Well-Being into Behavioral Health Social Work Education

November 2022, Journal of Teaching in Social Work 42(5):520-537 DOI: 10.1080/08841233.2022.2120160

Predicting Financial Well-Being Using the Financial Capability Perspective: The Roles of Financial Shocks, Income Volatility, Financial Products, and Savings Behaviors

June 2022, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 43(4):1-14, DOI:10.1007/s10834-022-09849-w

and because I’m interested in tracking this for myself in 2023…

To Read:Reading:Read:
Strong Helpers’ TeachingsSummons of the Lord of HostsThe History and Culture of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
Demon CopperheadThe New Yorker MagazineHow to Write a Lot
Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous PeoplesHarry Potter 🙂The Seven Circles: Indigenous Teachings for Living Well
Data FeminismThe Slow Professor
The InnovatorsAll Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect
Poverty, By AmericaAcademic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education
Atomic Habits
The Artist’s Journey: The Wake of the Hero’s Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World,
So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love (both for the umpteenth time)
Books on running a marathon
Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh
The Year of Living Danishly
The Plague
Getting it Published, From Dissertation to Book
(Yes – I got a book contract!)
The Trail Runner’s Companion
War and Peace
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee
The Creative Act: A Way of Being


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